Fachchapter University College Freiburg

Gregor Ranft


“It’s on! We are proud to announce that the Alumni Fachchapter of the Liberal Arts and Sciences has been officially accredited. We are the first official Fachchapter that represents a university program and is not directly linked to a location. This is due to the fact, that Liberal Arts and Sciences students are spread all over the world and yet share a common understanding of interdisciplinary exchange, which we want to foster through our new Alumni association.

Throughout the next years we will be organizing an annual get together. Moreover we want to integrate further into the Alumni efforts of the university by sharing the LAS stories our alumni have lived after leaving the university. This integration will serve our former students as well as the overall university alumni alike.

You are an LAS alumni and want to join the Fachchapter? It’s easy! And within the first five years after your graduation it’s completely free. Just join the official Alumni e.V. of the university and state that you have graduated in Liberal Arts and Sciences. You will become part of the alumniLAS automatically. Don’t forget to join the LinkedIn Group (www.linkedin.com/groups/13591296/) to be up to date with all the latest concerning alumniLAS. If you want to become active as an alumni, you can write us under alumni@ucf.uni–freiburg.de. We invite all former LAS students to join the LAS Alumni Fachchapter organization, bringing their own creative ideas into the mix and starting great things.”

Graduation Ceremonies